
마이페이지에서 미팅을..

1월 8, 2008

아직도 마이페이지를 자주 안가시는 분들이 계시나요?
사실 좀..그래 보여요…자주 가시는 분들이라면 사진도 바꾸고..조금 꾸며놓기도 하고..(사실 팰비에는 마이페이지를 꾸밀 수 있는게 별로 없지만…그쵸?) 하실텐데…
아무튼….이번에는 팰비 미팅을 좀더 편하게 하시도록 약간의 변화를 줬는데..
그것은 바로…마이페이지에 팰비미팅 넣기…(아래 그림을 보시라..)


아직도 마이페이지에 가보지 않으신 분들은 한번 가보세요..Profile 탭 옆에 Conference 탭이 하나 더 생긴걸 보실 수 있습니다. 그 안에는 별다른 설정없이 바로 시작할 수 있는 팰비 미팅이 들어가 있지요..그렇다면 장점이 무엇이냐…하나씩 나열해 볼까요?

1. 팰비 회원이 아니라도 미팅에 참여할 수 있다.
 – 첫 번째 빨간 박스가 보이시죠? 그 안에 지금 미팅을 하고 있는 페이지의 주소가 있어요..그걸 복사해서 메신저(MSN, 네이트온..등등)나 이메일 등을 통해서 친구에게 알려주시면 바로 미팅에 참여할 수 있어요..

2. 팰비가 아니라 내 블로그 또는 개인 웹페이지에서도 팰비 미팅을 할 수 있다.
 – 두 번째 빨간박스에는 마이페이지에 붙어 있는 팰비 미팅을 다른 웹사이트에 옮길 수 있는 Embed코드가 들어 있어요. 이 코드를 복사해서 원하는 곳에 써 넣으면 꼭 팰비에 방문하지 않아도 여러분이 원하는 장소에서 팰비 미팅을 이용할 수 있지요, 저는 제 팰비 미팅을  네이버 블로그, 마이스페이스 등에 붙여놓고..사용하고 있어요 그러면 제가 팰비에서 미팅을 하고 있을때, 제 블로그를 방문한 사람이나 마이스페이스를 방문한 사람과도 같이 팰비 미팅을 즐길 수 있거든요.

어때요 좋죠?…뭐 좋은점 말해준다고 달랑 두개냐?…하시는 분들도 계시겠지만..뭐 어떻습니까…편하고 좋으면 되는거죠.. 안그래요?


PalBee Video Conferencing Tutorial

12월 28, 2007

I have put together a short PalBee Video Conferencing Tutorial for new users.  You can check it out here.


Finding the Perfect Online Project Management Tool Day 3

12월 21, 2007

After slogging through bloated project management programs looking for one that is a good match for my needs, I’ve managed to evaluate three leads formally. I evaluated them based on the following criteria: Pricing, Project Features, Time Tracking Features, Work Report Features, Bloat Level, Web 2.0ness, and Serendipities. Let’s move on to the analysis, shall we?

SugarCRM (www.sugarcrm.com)

This product claims to be “commercial open source”. CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management. Attractive people in business suits are flexing their arms on the front page, showing their prowess as a sugar power user. It features capabilities for Reporting, Marketing, Sales, Support, and Collaboration. This is already more than I was looking for, but since I might be doing all of those things in the future its worth checking out. Reporting means mostly collecting information about customers, from contact information to satisfaction surveys and tracking unhappy customers. The marketing features track leads from particular marketing campaigns and thus the effect of different advertisements. Also tracks email marketing offers and gives the ability to do email marketing campaigns. It seems like all sorts of traditional marketing tools are available here.

This is where I need to stop. SugarCRM has a ton of features, but it’s not free and none of the features are what I’m looking for. Final evaluation:

Pricing: from $40/month

Project Features: Nothing that I had in mind

Time Tracking: Nothing that I had in mind

Work Reports: Nothing that I had in mind

Bloat Level: Through the roof

Web 2.0ness: No time to check

Serendipities: Tons.

Basecamp (www.basecamphq.com)

From the front page: “Basecamp takes a fresh, novel approach to project collaboration.” That’s definitely promising. There are no business suit wearing chicks on the front page either. Taking the tour is a great way to become familiar with the software. The first feature is to-do lists, which I was not looking for exactly but do seem very attractive, as I write up to-do lists for myself all the time. There is in-line editing of these lists right on the web page, a nifty Web 2.0 feature. Very cool.

It also includes file sharing, which is a very important part of any operation these days. This includes updating newer versions of files. Definite serendipity here.

It doesn’t seem to have any wiki functionality though.

Pricing: from $24/month

Project Features: no Wikiness

Time Tracking: Excellent

Work Reports: To-do lists count

Bloat Level: Not much

Web 2.0ness: Perfect

Serendipities: File sharing w version control, to-do lists

Twiki (twiki.org)

Twiki was recommended to me by Jasper, and it seems to have a very interesting premise. It is said to be a structured wiki, bridging the gap between a database and a wiki, and it says that it offers structure that can be added as needed. This sounds like something that can grow as my needs grow, and only has exactly what I want it to have over time. I am definitely intrigued.

After looking it over it seems to be extremely customizable and ready to grow and evolve as I need it to, with a liberal application of downloading and tweaking every time I want to change something. This style of online application management I am already familiar with. However, the output from Twiki would always look like a wiki, or at best a well-formatted HTML table. At least I think so. Now that I check it out, there are a variety of skins available. However, they don’t seem to be Ajax-like.

Pricing: free, open source

Project Features: I can make exactly what I want of a wiki

Time Tracking: Present, tweakable

Work Reports: Present, tweakable

Bloat Level: Only dependant on me

Web 2.0ness: Contains 100% Wiki, Lacks Ajax-ness

Serendipities: A healthy community of Add-on writers

So far Twiki seems to be winning, but there is another one or two that I encountered in my informal scouting before writing this post that I want to take a closer look at first.


Finding the Perfect Online Project Management Tool

12월 21, 2007

Or, a living example of feature creep

Ok, this is going to be much harder than I originally thought. On Tuesday, I was speaking to Albert about creating a sort of project bank, which would be a large repository of project plans that may or may not be used in the future. But this large reserve of planning could be dipped into at any point when we needed a particular plan. I wrote up a very short example project plan as a word document, and envisioned a folder full of word documents, each with a different idea on them. They could be refined and altered over time, of course, because plans always change.

The altering over time thing Albert caught and suggested it might be better as a wiki. That was a great idea, a project plan wiki would be much more useful because it tracks version changes and the editor and could be accessible anytime, and anywhere. But if we’re going to start getting all online and interactive with this, we might as well include some work assignment and time tracking features just in case I end up managing a larger workforce than I am now (currently I’m just managing myself). And if we’re tracking the time of hypothetical future employees, we might as well give them a vehicle to write down what they did during the day.

Good ideas, right?

So I began to search the internet for free, open source, online project management and time tracking tools, thinking I might be able to find someone’s pet project on Sourceforge. Oh, how little did I know what I was getting into.

There are apparently over one hundred online project management tools there, with varying features, pricing, and scope. There are tools which look like a micromanager’s dream, breaking projects down into tasks, and tasks to subtasks. There is time-tracking software which people can actually use to track their tasks to the second. Hit one button to start the timer, hit another to stop it, all on a web site. Every service I’ve found so far is overkill. I’m writing this to try to sort through them and find one that fits what I’m looking for.

Begging the question

Which begs the question, what am I looking for? So far, here are the features that I’d like to have.

  • Project Wiki – I’d like to see a wiki-based project repository where I can write up a customized description of the project, much like a lab report.
  • Team Member Time Tracking – I’d like to have a nice, convenient way for team members to keep track of how much time they’ve spent on a particular project, in up to 30 minute increments. I don’t need seconds tracked
  • Team Work Reports – I’d like team members to be able to write up how the work actually went down and what they ended up accomplishing. Also suggestions for how to make the project better.

My search has begun, and who can say what it will find?


Old Friends Reunion

12월 20, 2007

I had a palbee meeting on myspace. It’s quiet simple to invite my friend in palbee meeting.
Put the mash-up code into myspace personal profile page and just let them know myspage URL by MSN or E-mail. They are comming in palbee meeting without any login or registrations

Picture is down here


오늘 마이스페이스에 팰비미팅을 이식한 이후 처음으로 오래된 친구들과 즐거운 시간을 보냈네요..하하..

한명은 미국 시애틀에 있고 다른 한명은 네이버에서 일하고 있는 후배…몇년전이네요 벌써…서로 몰려다니며 낄낄거리면서 게임도 하고 술도 마시고 이런저런 얘기들도 하고…그랬었는데…이제는 온라인에서만 겨우 모일수 있게되고..그나마 팰비덕분에(자화자찬?) 쉽게 모였네요…
 마이스페이스 주소 알려주고 들어오라고만하면 바로 연결할 수 있으니 다들 편하게 생각하는군요…